Date: Saturday,
April 21, 2001 4:05 PM
Hello Earth Angels,
First - Mahalo! - a Hawaiian THANK
YOU for the boost in energy.
I noted a shift Monday morning and thought, "Thank you
Lighten Up Group, it's working."
Received this the same day:
"Dear Pamela
Yellow light in rays tipped with red have been sent to you from
England during the last ten minutes (now 6.20pm GMT).
all our light bless and strengthen you for the task you have
to do.
Thank you for being the 'fingers' of Light and being willing
to take
on that huge responsibility for all of us.
With love, peace and light.
Chrissea East."
You have no idea how your support
helps us. We also received a
wonderful uplifting card from Frank Agresti.
Let us pause and send Light to
East, Frank Agresti, and Jane Starwalker....whom we "forgot"
to mention for "in the Light" last week.
Speaking of support, Sunday the
22nd is EARTH DAY.
No, we did not reach the goal of a million souls. But
there is
a "hard core" of "us" sending Light to earth daily, as well
as many
other circles and groups and individuals speaking Light,
thinking Light, writing Light, praying Light, and giving Light
daily as well.
Great to contemplate, but we do
need MORE.
And none of us can do it alone.
We must all do all we can. Earth needs us.
here will be so many minds focused on earth on earth day.
SEND LIGHT. All throughout the day. We (Hugh
and Pamela)
will be pausing for five minutes every hour on the hour to send
LIght to earth. Hugh will begin at 4 AM and take the 5AM,
6 AM times alone. We will do the rest of the
day together and Pamela will take the 10 PM, 11 PM, Midnight
(Yes, an early morning lark and late night owl couple.)
Remember when you send Light to
earth, your body
and your goals matter too. So include you every time.
With Light,
Pamela & Dr. Hugh
Date: Saturday,
April 14, 2001 7:03 PM
Happy Easter :))))))))
Let us join together
in LIGHT on Easter on Easter Sunday (Sunday in the Western
Hemisphere.) Times Dr. Hugh and Pamela will be sitting
to send Light around the earth are: 3 AM Pacific Standard
Time. 6 AM Pacific Standard Time, 8 AM Pacific Standard
Time, 12 NOON Pacific Standard Time, 3 PM Pacific Standard
Time. 6 PM Pacific Standard Time. 10 PM
Pacific Standard Time and 12 MIDNIGHT Pacific Standard Time.
Let us have a continual wave of Light around the earth.
We welcome Harl Weaver and
Richard Haskell - both in the state of Washington. A
coincidence Harl and Richard, that you should both on the
same day be the only ones to register.....or are you friends?
Pause to send Light to Harl and Richard as "New" Lights that
join us and include in your Light the "Old" Lights of Aaron
Rickels and Adriana Marie Kimura (whom we and "Master of Light"
have dubbed our Light of The Southern Hemisphere.)
once more and send Light Janet Starwalker who emailed asking
WHEN will Book II be out??????? She
added "I can't tell you how much I relate to "Master Light"
... Guess I'll have to sing a song ... "You LIGHT up my Life
.. you make me whole ... and it seems so right, 'cause you,
you light up my life!!" (I know .. I skipped a lot of
the tune in between .. but my heart was in it! ) Ha.
And I give a big thanks to Debbie Boone for bringing that
song of "LIGHT" to the world for all to hear, enjoy and sing
it back! What a blessing!"
Answer to Janet and all
you other Star and Sun and Light Walkers:
I, Pamela, am writing this in red because I need YOU to send
me physical ENERGY. Supplying the "fingers" for
"Light" to write is incredibly challenging. The
problem is I "clutch" when I start thinking, "Oh my gosh,
this is the Light of the Universe, the Light of The Creator,
God's Light writing here. What if I interfere????
What if I CHANGE something important!!!!" Or when
Light writes about me or Hugh I think, "Oh no, what if this
is ego here." Then, when my ego doesn't like what is
written....or is afraid of the consequences of being "outed"
by Light I clutch big time. Or when Light writes something
that is about the physical world, I worry every scientist
in the land will ridicule it because it contradicts scientific
fact. (Which, not being a scientist, I wouldn't know.)
This, despite the instances in the past year writing of things
I, personally, know nothing about and then after it is written
picking up a magazine or a newspaper and finding articles
about a "brand new theory" in science, which Light wrote about
the previous week or month. (For example: Light
wrote quite abit about the "String Theory" before I ever heard
about it in an LA Times story.) Not to mention, the
energies that would squelch this work weighing on me and on
Hugh and sending distractions aplenty. We were warned
by "Master of Light" and "Master of Spirit" a few years ago
that the closer we got to successfully spreading the word
of LIGHT, the closer those who would stop us would draw and
the more powerful they would get. We were warned they
would attack us through our weaknesses - which is, of course,
where all are vulnerable. It was suggested we strengthen
ourselves in the areas where we were weakest. Being
human we did....and we didn't. I am spiritually up to
this task of being the medium through which LIGHT is writing
to the populace of earth. I am mentally up to it, as
well. My weakness is physical/emotional level.
So.......if you would each add to your LIGHT as you send it
to earth, yourselves, and your loved ones daily......a thought
of a bright yellow sun sending red rays to Pamela. Then
picture Light's Book in your hands.....and in the hands of
thousands of others.....and people talking about it ....and
most important of all.....hundreds of thousands of people
pausing daily to SEND LIGHT TO EARTH. I humbly
thank you. Pamela
Now, go forth and LIGHTEN-UP
EARTH. Then "tithe" that Light to LIGHTEN-UP your bodies,
your goals, your loved ones, and those people, places, and
things important to you.
With "Master of Light",
Pamela & Dr. Hugh