Chapter 7 Illustration


Book One -- Apocatastasis

Comments We Received

We gave manuscripts of this book to six people for their comments.

Their Comments Follow:

  • I LOVED the part about your car tires - nothing happens just by accident ~ Wonderful!
  • Chemo bath of Clorox - Valuable! Cesarean births - Wow! Ultrasounds produce cell damage - Wow!


  • The answer to 'how can I forgive them?' - Outstanding!
  • Ectoplasm - Totally interesting!
  • You lived with Bette Midler in Greenwich Village in the 60's?!
  • I am finally getting that my Higher Self knows all.
  • I can't wait to own this book and read this part over!


  • Very understandable reading and the personal stories were positive and very moving.
  • This book has the keys to lifting the veil.


  • It's intriguing and exciting with unique insights on the journey of life.
  • Very understandable reading for somewhat complex subjects.
  • Positive-useful-moving case histories.


  • I thought the personal information did a great job of demonstrating the guidance that's available to all of us. Enjoyed you sharing your own vulnerabilities.
  • Makes you look at the blocks in your life and know you can change them.


  • I'm also interested in anything that explains hypnosis.

We Asked Our Readers How They Would Describe This Book:

  • Gives the delineation of levels of mind and spirit.
  • Explains when body, mind, and spirit come together.


  • Written by the authors with their own personal younger life stories and how they, too, realized the effects negative and positive conditions laid upon them. How they saw as adults it was necessary to take responsibility to seek understanding for finding their release from their inner duality.
  • Full of mind boggling information about the body, mind, soul, and spirit presented in a non-mind boggling and highly inciting, exciting, and entertaining manner.
  • It's new age; it talks about abuse and your higher self.
  • It explains alot of unanswered questions about life.

We Asked What Kind Of People They Would Recommend This Book To:

  • To the metaphysically inclined.
  • To people I know who are on a path and searching. To people who have been abused.


  • People who seem interested in life's deeper meaning.
  • Anyone but my mother, father, brother, or sister. Their opinions no longer interest me.

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This page and all contents are copyright by Pamela Chilton 1998. All Rights Reserved.