Foundation for Research and Exploration of Mind MotivationHugh Harmon, Ph.D. Founder Pamela Chilton, C.Ht. Director The Treasure Chest |
Past Life RegressionDr. Harmon and Pamela are certified as past life therapists and instructors of past life therapy. Each are professional members of The Association for Past Life Research and Therapies (A.P.R.T.), and Dr. Harmon served on the board for several years. Why Do A Past Life Regression?
How Many Kinds Of Past Life Regressions Are There?
Do People Ever Make Up A Past Life In Hypnosis? Yes. Sometimes, just as in dreams, the subconscious mind uses a past life "story" as a means of symbolically bringing forward important information that needs to be processed. How Will I Be Sure My Regression Was Real & Was Mine? For therapy purposes, it is not important whether it was or was not real. The mind brought forward what was needed to trigger, enhance, or accomplish the goal being sought. If and when one wants to know this information, NMR is a non-hypnotic process we use to access - through your brain, mind, and body connection - information you have stored in your inner levels of mind. NMR is extremely useful to regression work. Using it, one can find all the facts of a past life regression before the hypnosis, thus allowing the questioning mind to relax sufficiently to gain the insights one seeks in a past life regression. It also focuses the subconscious mind on where to go in the regression, which can save hours of "fishing around" in the subconscious memory banks. We find people are much more able to relax into hypnosis and find their truths when they know that NMR can be used afterwards to separate the "fantasy" from the "facts" of what they said in the hypnosis. It is our goal to spread the knowledge of CORRECT use of NMR so everyone has access to professionals using this powerful tool. Why Don´t People Speak A Different Language In Past Life Regressions? Sometimes, they do. When they do, we remind the subconscious to translate the language of the past into the language of the present. (Which it normally does automatically.) Many people report they can "hear" or "see" the language they spoke in the past, but can´t seem to "speak" it. This is probably due to conscious interference. How Deep In Hypnosis Will I Have To Be For A Past Life Regression? The SAME information comes forward in light, medium, or deep hypnosis. The deeper levels tend to cause people to trust more of what they said. Relaxing and knowing the level is not important to achieving the information will naturally move people into deeper levels of hypnosis. Kind of a "catch 22". What If I Am Still Conscious During My Regression? People are as consciously aware in hypnosis as their conscious mind wants to be. Most people are curious about a past life regression and thus remain conscious no matter what level of hypnosis they reach. How Can I Become Unconscious In Hypnosis If This Is What I Want? Most people drift in and out of conscious awareness when being "programmed" by "straight hypnosis" (meaning the hypnotist is doing all of the talking) once they trust the process and the hypnotist. To trust the process means to know that the subconscious mind is always aware in hypnosis and will alert the conscious mind should anything be said or done which it knows would be alarming to the conscious mind. In fact, hypnosis can be said to be a super aware state of mind. In the beginning, you will be more alert and aware in hypnosis, even to hearing a pin drop in the next room. However, since the subconscious is more open to suggestion in hypnosis, normal and safe sounds will not be disturbing, unless you or the hypnotist tells the subconscious they are disturbing. As you begin to "let go" more and more of the "outside world", you will move more deeply within. The more "passive" you are about what you discover, think, see, or say while in hypnosis, the more you are likely to experience unconsciousness - if this is what you desire. How Can You Ensure The Best Past Life Regression Possible?
How Much Will A Past Life Regression Cost? This depends on two things: 1. The skill of the hypnotherapist/hypnotist. 2. What the market will bear. Pamela and Dr. Harmon are at the top of their profession. They charge $120 per hour. In general, it is a good idea to schedule an hour and a half for a past life regression; especially if you have not been hypnotized before. |
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